Why do we change?

I’m sure you know the famous quote?

“Be the change you wish to see in the world”.



Our slogan was “Luxury Linen”. However, we changed it because it failed to express what we offer you. We changed to what resonates with us, which is an individual approach to fashion.

In 2021, the company decided to go through a caterpillar moment. After detoxing our company from all things non sensical, we re-defined and streamlined our fashion approach.  As the night turned day, so did MARUTSCA.COM

Changing the slogan, rhythm, momentum and setting even clearer goals, we can now concentrate on that which which makes sense to us. That what gives us value.

But that’s the beauty of change? We learn and then move on to brighter horizons. Slow fashion entails all these wonderful qualities that go back to the roots of who we are as people. Kind, soft spoken and true to the environment and those around us.


We create twenty items per design on our NEW ARRIVALS and  maximum sixty units per cut on our ESSENCE CAPSULE COLLECTION.

With our wonderful team, which include our fabric supplier Mark, our manufacturer Malick, along with his small dedicated production team, our creative director Annabelle Rose, who’s positioned in Europe and the creative force of design CEO herself, Marutsca Breitenmoser, we move forward towards mastery.

Steering our future forward into the changing fashion world,  into smaller but better production, into less, but better and in improving ourselves and claiming back our self care.

Focusing on you, because magic happens when the garment meets the owner when worn. The way linen moves on the body, like a dancing wind, feeling rapture. The pieces speak for themselves.  Due to the simplicity of the garments, you can style it up or down, so the way it looks on one person, the same Maxi dress will look entirely different on somebody else.

That’s what makes a brand unique. An individual approach to fashion. The luxury of feeling good, not just in the clothes, but as a well dressed individual.

It’s your time to be you. Uniquely YOU.


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